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Manage & monitor data protection compliance within your organisation.

ProvePrivacy helps your organisation to demonstrate data protection compliance under UK Data Protection legislation through a single integrated platform.

Designed by industry experts our digital platform simplifies compliance and provides an efficient and collaborative solution for information governance professionals to manage data within your organisation.

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What we offer

Data Compliance | ProvePrivacy


Manage and evidence risks across your organisation to show compliance with data protection. From The Record of Processing Activities (ROPA) to Policy Management, ProvePrivacy provides one central location to monitor, manage and evidence compliance.

Incident Management

ProvePrivacy allows data related incidents including data breaches and data subject access requests to be raised quickly and managed from one central location.

Planning | ProvePrivacy

Data Management

Using international standards as the basis to evidence that controls are in place ProvePrivacy provides you with the ability to demonstrate compliance; with reporting highlighting areas such as which colleagues have undertaken training and understood policies.

Data Management | ProvePrivacy

Training & Consultancy

Our range of training and consultancy services focus on enabling your team to better understand and manage the data risk landscape. From online training modules and workshops to educate through to consultancy services to expand your skill set our experts can support your needs.

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Data Management | ProvePrivacy

Data Management

Using international standards as the basis to evidence that controls are in place, ProvePrivacy provides you with the ability to demonstrate compliance; with reporting highlighting areas such as which colleagues have undertaken training and understood policies.

Management Information

Our management information dashboards have been specifically designed to put the data compliance data you need at your fingertips. Interactive dashboards mean you can quickly and easily drill down to the detail, identify exceptions, monitor progress and view potential risks.

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Training & Consultancy

Our range of training and consultancy services focus on enabling your team to better understand and manage the data risk landscape. From online training modules and workshops to educate, through to consultancy services to expand your skill set. Our experts can support your needs.


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